Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I am almost done with the thesis prep document. The book itself is made up of three sections each with its own booklet. This allows the book to engage with the reader, a foreshadowing of the interactivity what I hope the final design will have. I was of course inspired by Beatriz Colomina's Domesticity at War, one of my favorite books.

The three sections of the book are: places, experiences, and ideas.
Places has geographic, environmental, statistical, and visual information on the contexts of
this thesis.
Experiences is a catalog of on-the-ground information on the methods of construction used in Tijuana and the San Bernardo community.
Ideas is an analysis of the theories and design precedents that will help with the design of this thesis project.

The images at the bottom are of a frame and infill poster. It is a selected lineage of projects that use frame and infills and the lessons that can be drawn from that.

I will update with the final publication and highlights from each section in the near future.


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